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Support Packages
Premiere Package
For the smaller but just as critical network environment, Plexus is pleased to make available the very affordable Premiere Package which assures a dedicated 10 hours of the finest support from our skilled and experienced administrators. Give us a call and if we can't fix it over the phone or remotely, we'll be there in person to correct your issue. However, we won't let those hours collect dust until the service period expires. Instead, we take a pro-active approach to network support by remotely or locally connecting to your network to carefully inspect the health of your systems. Have the latest virus updates been applied, is your server about to crash because of low-disk space, or is someone making unauthorized attempts to access your most valuable information? In most cases we can warn you of a potential problem before it becomes an emergency. If the 10 hours is exceeded we will continue to work through any issues you have at a low hourly rate.

Five (10) Hours of LAN/WAN support $750 Monthly $75/hr.
Two (2) Business Day On-Site Response Time
Core Package

For the busier network Plexus offers the Core Package with 15 hours of monthly support for your servers, desktop and peripheral systems. Is your accounting department about to do payroll but can't because the accounting server won't boot? Has email gone down again for the third time this week and you are worried how you must look to potential clients? Let a team like the experienced engineers at Plexus take the weight off of your shoulders and ensure that your most critical systems are up and running reliably. When a system or peripheral fails, we're but a phone call away and if we can't fix the problem remotely, we'll be onsite within one day to fix it.

But we won't wait for you to call us and prefer taking pro-active measures to guard against virus outbreaks, hacker attacks and servers on the brink of disaster. We will keep the systems running and let you focus on your business. At regularly scheduled intervals we will remotely connect to your systems to ensure they are operating at peak efficiency and perform recommended maintenance procedures.

Fifteen (15) Hours of LAN/WAN support $1100 Monthly $75/hr.
One (1) Business Day On-site Response Time

Premium Package
The Premium Package is designed for larger organizations with systems that require a higher degree of attention and includes 25 of support, proactive maintenance and Disaster Prevention and Recovery Planning. All of the engineers at Plexus come from large organizations and are quite familiar with supporting networks with hundreds of servers and thousands of workstations. We understand what it takes to deliver 99.999% uptime on mission critical systems like yours because we have done it. Just like your car or home, a properly maintained network will help you avoid more expensive repairs down the road. Having vast experience in offices where the uninterrupted availability of equipment is paramount, you know you can rely upon us to keep your systems online.

We'll connect to your systems according to schedule to make sure they have the latest security and virus patches, as well as closely examine each system for potential trouble.

In fact, once we're at the helm, most of your problems will be completely transparent because we'll be alerted and have them fixed before you even know there was an issue. And rest assured that with the Premium Package, if a system does go down, we'll be there that day to fix it. Plus, the Premium Package also includes Disaster Prevention and Recovery Planning that will help you safeguard your systems and provide for rapid business resumption in the event of unforeseen occurrences.

Twenty-Five (25) Hours of LAN/WAN support $1875 Monthly $75/hr.
Same Business Day On-Site Response Time Includes Disaster Prevention and Recovery Planning

Although we highly recommend one of our packaged deals to ensure you get the most from the investment you have put into your network, Plexus is always available to assist you on an hourly basis.

Non-package Hourly Rate $85
Includes Free Network Evaluation

If you have any questions or need a consultant please call or email us: info@plexuxcommunications.com

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